2018年10月30日 星期二

柳醫師團隊探討憂鬱症與攝護腺癌預後的科學研究,獲 UroToday 國際專業醫學網站刊登

作者 : 柳瑞明(Jui-Ming Liu, MD



柳醫師團隊以健康大數據進行分析。以攝護腺癌為研究對象,並依臨床治療分成三組:局部或局部侵犯的攝護腺癌、已有轉移的攝護腺癌、對荷爾蒙療法產生抗性的攝護腺癌(castration-resistant prostate cancer)。

統計結果顯示在已有轉移的攝護腺癌這一組別,憂鬱個案顯著有較高的死亡風險(adjusted hazard ratio = 1.49

UroToday 網站介紹

UroToday 網站成立於 2003 年,UroToday 網站的宗旨是提供免準確、即時、有證據的泌尿科學和腫瘤學內容,讓醫事人員及時了解疾病和病情,並且協助臨床醫師和患者提高對疾病的理解。並希望能夠從世界各地以實證醫學的角度,來推動泌尿科學與醫學的進步。


很榮幸獲得 UroToday CEOGina B. Carithers的來信邀稿,邀請柳醫師研究團隊對於最新發表的憂鬱症與攝護腺癌預後的科學研究,做一個精華濃縮的短評。而這個評論會在 UroToday 的網站上作發表。



Prostate cancer is the most common male urologic malignancy around the world. In Taiwan, it was also growing the number of patients with prostate cancer in recent years. Androgen deprivation therapy ( ADT ) has been a mainstay treatment for advanced prostate cancer for decades. However, ADT has several adverse effects such as metabolic, bone, cardiovascular and erectile function. ADT is also associated with negative mood status or depression.

In this retrospective study of 1101 newly diagnosed cases with prostate cancer utilizing the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. 267 /1101 (24.3%) developed depression with mean follow-up period was 8.30±3.12 years. Patients with depression were associated with an increased risk of mortality (aHR: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.04–1.80). Furthermore, patients in the metastatic prostate cancer group with depression had a significantly higher mortality risk compared to the non-depression group (aHR: 1.49; 95% CI: 1.05–2.11).

This result demonstrated that metastatic prostate cancer patients with depression may have a 49% higher risk of mortality compared to patients in the same disease stage without depression. Physicians should pay attention to the mood and psychiatric illness adverse effect in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. We suggested that treating psychiatric disorder and cancer are both important in patients with prostate cancer.

